LECAP provided legal support for the registration of bonds by Russian Environmental Operator PLC
03 December 2024
Представителем владельцев облигаций выступила компания LCPIS
LECAP provided legal support to the preparation of a share buyback offer within the framework of the partnership between PJSC “STG” and Promsvyazbank
23 September 2024
The number of submitted applications amounted to 3185, the number of presented shares exceeded the offer volume by 24%
LEСAP together with LCPIS became an advisors for the IPO of PROMOMEDPJSC
26 July 2024
The company received a high valuation thanks to its record EV/ and raised RUB 6 billion in capital through its IPO
LECAP became a legal advisor for the IPO of Diasoft PJSC on the Moscow Exchange
13 February 2024
The transaction became one more of the largest deal in recent years on the Russian equity capital market, as well as Diasoft PJSC debut transaction on the capital markets
LECAP is a legal advisor on CarMoney IPO on the Moscow Stock Exchange
04 July 2023
LECAP team helped to develop and implement a unique legal structure of the transaction
Securitisation in Russia — 2021
09 March 2021
This country-specific Q&A provides an overview of securitisation laws and regulations applicable in Russia.
The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guides
SPAC: to be or not to be?
21 December 2020
In 2020, private fast-growing companies had serious funding needs, and the market "remembered" about the simplified mechanism for turning a private company into a public one through the placement of shares in SPAC (special purpose acquisition company), followed by a merger with the target operating company.
New rules for bond restructuring
17 November 2020
В июле 2020 года Банк России опубликовал доклад «О концептуальных подходах к регулированию вопросов обеспечения прав владельцев облигаций». Делимся нашими мыслями
Securitisation in Russia — 2020
18 March 2020
This country-specific Q&A provides an overview of securitisation laws and regulations applicable in Russia.
The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guides
The Law on Emission Simplification and New Emission Standards: what to pay attention to
13 March 2020
The main innovations in the details: the decision on the issue and the terms of the placement, the prospectus and the notification of the preparation of the prospectus, the issue of shares: the main and additional issue, the issue of bonds: the program and amendments to the documentation.
Interview: The most important events in the Russian debt capital market in 2019
25 November 2019
Michael Malinovskiy, LECAP Partner, and Dmitry Rumyantsev, Director of Legal Capital Investor Services shared with Cbonds Review their version of the most important events of 2019 in the Russian debt market from the point of view of practicing lawyers, and also outlined the key legislative innovations that will affect the market in 2020.
Securitisation in Russia — 2019
14 June 2019
A detailed Q&A covering common issues in securitisation laws and regulations – including receivables contracts, receivables purchase agreements, asset sales, security issues, insolvency laws, special rules, regulatory issues and taxation.
International Comparative Legal Guide
Securities Finance — Russia
04 June 2019
A broad overview of the practice and regulations of securities in Russia, including the general procedures for the public and private offering of securities, settlement procedure, underwriting agreement, as well as other practical and regulatory issues.
High-Yield Debt in Russia
15 May 2019
Overview of the Russian High-Yield Debt market, its participants, regulation, guarantees and securities, documentation terms, debt seniority and intercreditor arrangements
Lexology Getting the deal through
Rules of evidence (including cross-border evidence) in civil proceedings Q&A: Russian Federation
31 July 2018
This Q&A provides an overview of the rules of evidence in civil proceedings, including rules on the disclosure obligations of the parties, admissibility of evidence, witness evidence, the standard of proof, as well as issues that arise in gathering cross-border evidence.
Thomson Reuters
Securitisation in Russia — 2018
04 June 2018
A detailed Q&A covering common issues in securitisation laws and regulations – including receivables contracts, receivables purchase agreements, asset sales, security issues, insolvency laws, special rules, regulatory issues and taxation.
International Comparative Legal Guide
Securitisation in Russia — 2017
06 June 2017
A detailed Q&A covering common issues in securitisation laws and regulations – including receivables contracts, receivables purchase agreements, asset sales, security issues, insolvency laws, special rules, regulatory issues and taxation.
International Comparative Legal Guide
Securitisation in Russia — 2016
06 June 2016
A detailed Q&A covering common issues in securitisation laws and regulations – including receivables contracts, receivables purchase agreements, asset sales, security issues, insolvency laws, special rules, regulatory issues and taxation.
International Comparative Legal Guide